3 Steps to Being a Good Dad

3 Steps to Being a Good Dad

Part of being a good husband is intrinsically tied to being a good dad (if you have kids). You hear a lot about deadbeat dads and dads who don’t do enough for their family. In fact, dads get a lot of bad press. So I want to talk to you today about what it means to be a good dad and three seemingly small but massively important things to consider in this pursuit:

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The Samurai Husband Book: Now Available!

Samurai Husband Book Release

So excited to share with you that The Samurai Husband is officially released!! This is my vision and heart on marriage and the call for husbands to be who God has called you to be.  IT’S AVAILABLE NOW ON AMAZON!!

Check out more about the book HERE

Spread the word on social media and click on the above link to read more about it/get your copy on Amazon today!!

ALL proceeds from the book are being given away to charity/missions.

Check out some more info on the book, reviews, and more here!  

Put Your Kids Second


So I’m a relatively new dad.  I have a beautiful two year old whom my wife and I love and adore more than anything in this world.  And that’s the problem sometimes.  It is so easy for parents to get wrapped up into the lives of their children and prioritize them over all else.  What’s wrong with that some of you may ask?

Everything.  And here’s why.

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