Do you ever hear voices in your head? Those subtle but significant whispers can often act as the rudder of your martial ship if you allow them to. A lot of times in a marriage, these voices have a strong marital influence, and you don’t even realize that they are there. In fact, if you don’t pay attention, you won’t even realize whose voices they are… and this can be extremely dangerous. Although if you have the right voices, then you could never be in a better spot marriage-wise. So what voices are we talking about and how do we determine who gets a say?
Category: Marriage
Submission. We started going there with the last post. This post, we are going to finish up my thoughts on what Biblical submission looks like from the husband’s perspective.
Submission. Are we going to go there? Why yes, yes we are. Hope you are ready for this two part series as I tread on some dangerous territory, especially as a male author…
You remember those WWJD bracelets? Well I am not saying go out and buy one, but burn that into your mind and make that your mantra when it comes to making decisions as a husband. Just remember: it’s not about you. That simple shift will revolutionize the way you view your marriage and role in it. Jesus was a servant king. He did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life.[1] That is the call of a husband to his wife. It’s not about you.
The crazy thing is that it isn’t about your wife either. It’s all about Jesus.
Continue reading “Marriage Is Not About Your Happiness (Part 3/3)”
Have you ever asked people what they think the purpose of marriage is? You may be surprised at what kind of answers you get. Look it up on a google search and you find all kinds of answers: “tax breaks”, “to raise a family”, “stability”, and “to keep divorce attorneys making triple digits” are just a few of the answers you will actually find! One (legitimate) survey was done by the Pew Research Center in July of 2007 that polled over 2,000 random selected participants in the United States and asked them a series of questions about marriage. Do you know what the #1 answer was for what these randomly selected people was when they asked what the purpose of marriage was?
Continue reading “Marriage Is Not About Your Happiness (Part 2/3)”
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the reason for marriage. One thing is for sure: marriage is not about your happiness. If this is the case, then what in the world is the purpose of marriage? Find out in this three part series that will debunk some common marriage myths and give you insight into the Biblical understanding of marriage.
Continue reading “Marriage Is Not About Your Happiness (Part 1/3)”
Everyone wants to be appreciated and get recognition. It goes back to when you were little and lived for the moment your parent or teacher praised you for something you did right. And we never really grow out of this; we just mask it better as we get older. But the truth remains that we all like to be applauded for things we do right. And this is such a key element in your marriage… creating a culture of appreciation will save you from countless fights and misunderstandings.
Have you ever been so upset that you said something really stupid and as soon as it left your mouth you wish you could take it back? Once it is out there, however, the damage is done. There is no turning back once you let those words fly. This is especially true in your marriage when emotions are heated and a fight is about to ensue. So how do you train yourself not to get to this point? What are some ways to guarantee this doesn’t happen again? Here are a few Samurai tricks of the trade:
Continue reading “How to Fight (Part 3 of 3): What and How to Say It”
The Bible says, “Agree with your adversary quickly”; how much more should this be true with your spouse? Learning how to take the low road of humility is an absolutely critical piece in learning how to stop the fight before it even begins. By swallowing your pride and agreeing with your spouse when you have a disagreement, you will save yourself a world of trouble… and save yourself countless unnecessary fights. Here are a few ways to ensure that you take the low road and reap the benefits of doing so:
What does godly fighting look like in a marriage? Is that even possible? How do you fight fair? What do you do when there is no seeming resolution?
Continue reading “How to Fight (Part 1 of 3): The Green Zone”